


Examining the Relationships among Tourist Aesthetic Perception, Place Attachment and Word-of-mouth Recommendations: A Case of Sun Moon Lake




劉盈嬋(Ying-Chan Liu)


美感知覺 ; 地方依賴 ; 地方認同 ; 口碑推薦 ; 日月潭 ; Aesthetic perception ; Place dependence ; Place identity ; Word-of-mouth Recommendation




17卷1期(2024 / 03 / 01)


1 - 16






Aesthetic perception plays a crucial role in nature tourism; however, limited research has delved into the influence of tourist aesthetic perception and its consequential effects. This study focuses on tourists visiting the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, using tourist aesthetic perception as the place attachment variable to explore its impact on place dependence, place identity, and word-of-mouth recommendations. A total of 351 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. The results indicate that tourist aesthetic perception significantly and positively influences place dependence, place identity, and word-of-mouth recommendations. Additionally, place dependence exhibits a positive impact on place identity. Ultimately, both place dependence and place identity significantly contribute to affecting word-of-mouth recommendations. Based on these research findings, the study concludes with relevant insights and suggestions for future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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