


The Relationships among Green Values, Green Attitudes, and Consumption Intentions in Print Advertisement Using Green Sport Theme




高立學(Li-Shiue Gau);黃中興(Chung-Hsing Huang)


自行車 ; 綠色運動 ; 環境保護 ; 普世性價值 ; Cycling ; Green exercise ; Environmental protection ; Universalism




17卷1期(2024 / 03 / 01)


17 - 36






In response to the trend of sustainable development, green sustainable production and consumption are increasingly emphasized. This has prompted this study to investigate the effectiveness of promoting a green-centric approach in a marketing activity. This study used cycling as an example to examine the influence of an advertisement with a green theme on the purchasing intention. The hypothesis was that individuals who emphasized more on green values and had more positive green attitudes would be more willing to buy a bike advertised with a green theme. Those who emphasized more on green values would have more positive attitudes. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design and used questionnaires to collect data. AA bicycle was advertised with a green theme, whereas BB bicycle was advertised as beautiful with good quality. The interviewees saw AA and BB advertisements and decided the level of extent in which they tended to buy AA or BB in three questions. Green values included universalism values and environmental protection values. The green attitude encompasses a low-carbon green sports attitude and an attitude of engaging in sports within a green environment. Questionnaires were distributed to cycling tourists in Chang-Hua Tian-Wei Road Garden. A valid sample of 206 tourists was recruited. All scale reliabilities were greater than .70. Correlation analyses showed that the relationships were not significant between consumers' green values and their purchasing intention to the bike advertised with a green theme. However, positive relationships were significant between consumers' green values and green attitudes. Further, the positive relationship was significant between consumers' green attitudes and their purchasing intention to the bike advertised with a green theme. These indicated that the consumers' green values had indirect influences on their purchasing intention to the bike advertised with a green theme. The study concluded that bicycle managers can use a green promotion theme in marketing to communicate with the segment of consumers who emphasize green values.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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