


Wang Chuanshan "Four Book Notepaper Solution" Analyzes Theory




楊錦富(Jin-Fu Yang)


王夫之船山 ; 四書箋解 ; 朱熹 ; 理義 ; Wang Fuzhi Chuanshan ; Four Book Notepaper Solution ; Zhu Zhu ; principle righteousness




29卷2期(2010 / 09 / 01)


91 - 110






Four Book Notepaper Solution was proposed at random by Wang Chuanshan while supervising students' learning. The content was neither comprehensive as Comprehensive work nor well-known as Reads Four Book Comprehensive works.During the era of Ming Dynasty, the social disorders occurred repeatedly. Then many articles spoke of Four Books casually and only focused on the sentence structures. Those who knew well the nature of Four Books could talk about the content comprehensively and those who didn't get the points explained it ambiguously or just spoke nonsense instead. This chaos not only led to the disguised fragment of the nature of Four Books but also resulted in the superficial and vague explanations of the theme. Wangxue-xinxue theory was the most of all the vague explanations. In view of this, Wang Chuanshan proposed The Four Book Notepaper Solution to refute those disguising articles and Wangxue-xinxue criticism. The Notepaper solution drew people's attention on the discussion of the social disorders rather than on Wangxue-xinxue theory.Wang Chuanshan inherited the ideas of the great scholars of Song Dynasty. His thought was closed to Chang Zhai's and different slightly from Cheng & Zhu's. Even though Wang agreed on Zhu's thought; however, it was not totally accepted by him. Wang not only questioned some parts of the thought but also made comments on the questioned parts. This attitude showed his dedication and carefulness to studying. He carried on the scholars' ideas in his casual lectures. His lectures aimed at the nature themes in stead of struggling on detailed contents. This way not only made Wang's thought easily accepted by the students but also brought out his practical teaching style and such teaching style was exactly the same as what the great scholars advocated for.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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