


The Investigation of Retired Teachers' Leisure Attitude and Leisure Motivation in Kaohsiung and Pingtung Area




蔡鋒樺(Feng-Hua Tsai);李昭憲(Chao-Hsien Lee)


退休教師 ; 休閒態度 ; 休閒動機 ; Retired teachers ; Leisure motivation ; Leisure attitude




30卷2期(2011 / 09 / 01)


171 - 181




The aim of the study was to explain the relationship between retired teachers' leisure attitude and motivation. The questionnaire including leisure attitude scale, leisure motivation scale, and retired teachers' demography variables was answered by 161 retired teachers aged between 65-75 years in Kaohsiung and Pingtung Area. The subjects include 161 elderly adults (75males and 86 females; 89 adults aged 65-70 years and 72 adults aged between 71-75 years, and 62 adults' monthly leisure cost less than NT5,000, 54 adults' monthly leisure cost between NT5,000 and NT10,000, and 45 adults' monthly leisure cost over NT10,000). The results showed that (i) female retired teachers had better performance than males in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale (p-value<.05); (ii) retired teachers aged between 65-70 years got better performance than those aged between 71-75 years in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale (p-value<.05), and (iii) retired teachers spending over NT10,000 on leisure per month got the best performance in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale; retired teachers spending less than NT5,000 on leisure per month had the worst performance in both scales (p-value<.05). Obviously, both leisure motivation and leisure attitude were important factors for elderly adults' life satisfaction. Therefore, we suggested that male elderly adults aged between 71-75 years who spend less than NT5,000 on leisure per month should plan their leisure activities to promote their life satisfaction and quality of life.


The aim of the study was to explain the relationship between retired teachers' leisure attitude and motivation. The questionnaire including leisure attitude scale, leisure motivation scale, and retired teachers' demography variables was answered by 161 retired teachers aged between 65-75 years in Kaohsiung and Pingtung Area. The subjects include 161 elderly adults (75males and 86 females; 89 adults aged 65-70 years and 72 adults aged between 71-75 years, and 62 adults' monthly leisure cost less than NT5,000, 54 adults' monthly leisure cost between NT5,000 and NT10,000, and 45 adults' monthly leisure cost over NT10,000). The results showed that (i) female retired teachers had better performance than males in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale (p-value<.05); (ii) retired teachers aged between 65-70 years got better performance than those aged between 71-75 years in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale (p-value<.05), and (iii) retired teachers spending over NT10,000 on leisure per month got the best performance in leisure attitude scale and leisure motivation scale; retired teachers spending less than NT5,000 on leisure per month had the worst performance in both scales (p-value<.05). Obviously, both leisure motivation and leisure attitude were important factors for elderly adults' life satisfaction. Therefore, we suggested that male elderly adults aged between 71-75 years who spend less than NT5,000 on leisure per month should plan their leisure activities to promote their life satisfaction and quality of life.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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