


The Development of the Benefits, Impact, Support, and Sustainability Scales for Road Race Events in Taiwan


劉照金(Chao-Chin Liu);董燊(Shen Tung);郭芳坤(Fang-Kun Kuo);黃仲凌(Chung-Ling Huang);陳志明(Zhi-Ming Chen)


路跑賽事 ; 賽事效益 ; 賽事衝擊 ; 賽事支持 ; 永續發展 ; road race ; events benefit ; events impact ; events support ; sustainability




34卷2期(2015 / 11 / 01)


1 - 30




本研究目的旨在編製臺灣路跑賽事效益、衝擊、支持及永續發展因素量表,並檢驗量表之鑑別度、效度及信度。研究方法以2014年澎湖馬拉松、台中舒跑盃路跑賽、臺東牧野馬拉松及曾文水庫馬拉松參與者為研究對象(N=925),研究工具參酌路跑賽事與休閒活動參與行為相關研究文獻編修而成,所得資料經項目分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素及信度檢驗分析,研究結果如下:(一)每一問卷項目的CR值(6.60-36.43)與總分相關值(r=.58-.96)均達顯著水準,顯示本研究所建構之量表具有鑑別度。(二)探索性因素分析結果顯示,路跑賽事活動效益包括社會效益、環境效益、經濟效益等三個因素,累積解釋變異量為89.64%,路跑賽事衝擊包括經濟衝擊、環境衝擊及社會衝擊認知等三個因素,累積解釋變異星為77.69%,路跑賽事支持星表累積總解釋變異量為90.69%,路跑賽事永續發展量表累積總解釋變異星為81.10%,顯示各構面均具有建構效度。(三)信度分析結果顯示各量表Cronbach's alpha係數(.890-.981)均超過890以上,顯示各構面均具有可接受的內部一致性。(四)經驗證性因素分析檢驗修正後路跑賽事效益、衝擊、支持與永續發展模式,其絕對配適指標、增值配適指標及簡效配適指標均接近或通過接受值,顯示本研究所建構之量表模式是可接受之模式。綜合結論:本研究所編製路跑賽事效益、衝擊、支持與永續發展因素量表,可適用於衡星路跑賽事參與者之效益、衝擊、支持及永續發展評價與看法。


This study developed the benefits, impact, support, and sustainability scales for road race events in Taiwan as well as examined the discriminant, reliability and validity. The study's methodology involved subjects who had participated in the road race events of Penghu Marathon, Taichunh Shupao Cup, Taitung Makino marathon and Tseng Wen Reservoir marathon in Taiwan and included the collection of 925 valid questionnaires. The scales were modified from the literature about road race and leisure participation behavior. The statistical analyses of the study data included item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability testing. Firstly, the results revealed that the critical ratio values (6.60-36.43) and total correlation coefficients (r=.58-.96) for each item had statistical significance to reveal scales that exhibited discriminant. Secondly, according to the results, the exploratory factor analyses revealed that the benefits from social, environmental, and economic scales had a total cumulative explained variance of 89.64% respectively. The impact of the social, environmental, and economic scales had a total cumulative explained variance of 77.69% respectively. The support scales had a total cumulative explained variance of 90.69%, the sustainability scales had a total cumulative explained variance of 81.10% and the analyses revealed that all research instruments exhibited validity. Thirdly, the reliability analyses showed that each scale's Cronbach's alpha coefficients were above .89, which suggests that the level of internal consistency was acceptable for each scale. Finally, the results of the confirmatory factor analyses on the benefits, impact, support, and sustainability scales revealed that indices of absolute fit, incremental fit and parsimonious fit were closed or passed for the accepting indices. It indicated that the scale of construction for the study was an acceptable scale. In conclusion, based on the results, the scales demonstrated sound discriminant, validity, and reliability. Moreover, the scales are well suited to the measurement of participant opinion regarding the benefits, impact, support, and sustainability for road race events in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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