


Analysis of Connotation from Imagery and Beauty of Esteem from Du Fu's "Balled of the Old Cypress"


鍾宇翡(Yu-Fei Chung)


杜甫 ; 詠柏詩 ; 崇高美 ; Du Fu ; Balled of the Old Cypress ; Beauty of Esteem




36卷1期(2017 / 05 / 01)


81 - 101






Du Fu is clever at chanting objects, the chanting poetry are myriad with fine quality, to express his feelings by committing the objects. Du Fu's Balled of the Old Cypress poem has not only succeeded the tradition of "metaphor" and "life desire" from Classic of Poetry, but also created Zhuge Liang's outstanding art impression by successfully used the imagery of cypress. The destitute and vagrant life has enriched Du Fu's personality and idea of poetry creation. Moreover, it brought up the aesthetic characteristic of "Esteem". If we see the Balled of the Old Cypress poem from "Beauty of Esteem", there would show two characteristics of beauty of esteem from the poem: 1. The precipitous and rugged vigor 2. The nature and powerful connotation. The external features of Du Fu's Balled of the Old Cypress poem are "variety of sentence length" and "contrast of syntax" with the precipitous and rugged vigor, showing the beauty of esteem for "pause and transition". The internal features are "sorrowful words", "gray and blank shades" and "sentiment of entering tone and slanting words "with the nature and powerful connotation, showing the beauty of esteem for "gloomy". The beauty of esteem for gloomy, pause and transition has made the Du Fu's poetry everlasting. This article is intended using Du Fu's Balled of the Old Cypress poem as the research areas, from the aspects of meaning, traceability, background, imagery of connotation and structure. Through the interaction and exploration between the author and work, it features the imagery of connotation and beauty of esteem from Du Fu's Balled of the Old Cypress poem.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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