


Classics and Anti-Classics: The Reflections on Classics Reading of Higher Education in Taiwan




向鴻全(Hong-Chuan Hsiang)


經典閱讀 ; 經典教育 ; 反經典 ; classics reading ; classics education ; anti-classics




9期(2012 / 06 / 01)


69 - 83






Classics education in Taiwan's higher education has become somewhat visible because classical education satisfies, yet promotes reading requirements to contain a part of the moral and humanities. Major colleges and universities in Taiwan are now well-equipped with a variety of classics readings as well as education.Classics education, in fact, covers two parts: (1) Reading; (2) Humanities conveyed through classical literature. With detailed analysis, you will find that the above to be at different levels. If ”classics reading” is advocated, it should be about the issues involved in the development and formation of the classics, classical reading methods, understanding and interpretation of the classics, etc. On the other hand, if ”classics education” is promoted, the emphasis would be on the classical educator as to how s/he conveys and delivers the classical means and its spirit. This is greatly related to the situation and practice of the educator. In other words, the educator him/herself is the key to the success of classics education in how the value of ”classics” is delivered. Therefore, ”classics reading” can be described as ”interpretation / delivery,” and ”classical education” can be thought as ”preaching”.But if we look at the classics education in Taiwan's higher education, the differences of the classics reading and education are usually not able to be distinguished due to the reading methodology usually being neglected or ignored when emphasizing humanities in the classics reading. Given an education with great knowledge in classical literature, it does not mean the classics education is able to be conveyed properly or fully. As a result, this article believes that with the current implementation of promoting classic reading activities among Taiwan's higher education, the content of some classic books is extremely rich in large and it is showing some kind of ambition or vision. It is doubtful if it could even achieve the first level of the means in classics reading. It makes reaching the ultimate goal for classics education unrealistic. In contrast, classics reading books that are more streamlined, apparently are hoping to tilt the direction of classical education in order to achieve the aim of humanistic enlightenment through classics readings. Such attempts limit the possibilities of reading. Look at the current classical education and you will find motivations and concepts are good, but the potential problems, due to lack of detail analysis, are hidden underneath and may lead to ”anti-classics”.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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