


The Development and Reflection of Outcome-Based Education in Higher Education




洪煌堯(Huang-Yao Hong);吳惠萍(Hui-Ping Wu);邱婕欣(Chieh-Hsin Chiu);張芷瑄(Chih-Hsuan Chang);林奎宇(Kuei-Yu Lin);洪國財(Guo-Tsai Hung)


成果導向教育 ; 能力素養 ; 高等教育 ; 教育改革 ; 課程設計 ; outcome-based education ; competency ; higher education ; education reform ; curriculum design




15期(2015 / 06 / 01)


51 - 76




臺灣高等教育逐年趨向普及,然而在教育品質的提升上仍有待進一步努力,才能不斷提升整體高教的水準。參考各國高教之改革趨向,可以發現「成果導向教育」(outcome-based education, OBE)正漸漸受到教育改革的重視。國內大學也紛紛嘗試建立與規劃成果導向之教育模式,推動以成果為評量本位的課程與教學。不同於傳統教育偏重知識傳授與考試為主的教學評量,成果導向教育的特色在於重視培養可以帶得走並應用於社會的能力(competencies),強調教學應幫助學生內化這些能力並與實際生活產生連結,此為其突破傳統之處。然而,在國內外許多大學皆積極發展與規劃成果導向教育的同時,站在第一線的教育工作者也應以批判的角度來分析與反思成果導向教育的可行性、發展性與改進方向,才能真正對成果導向教育的本質與價值有更深的理解,並善加應用其優勢。因此,本文主要目的在於探究成果導向教育的理論依據,瞭解國內高教的課程規劃及實施情況,最後針對提出成果教育轉化傳統教育的意義及提出發展建議。探究結果建議成果導向教育應以協助學生實現自我為終極目標。最後從核心能力目標導向、全校教育目標統整、系所課程配套連貫、學習成果能力檢核四個面向,歸結出十二項具體改進與發展建議,以供各大學實行成果導向教育時,作為運作機制與調整方向之參考。


Higher education in Taiwan has increased its quantity of institutions in recent years. However, how to improve its quality in order to keep advancing higher education requires additional effort. In reference to the overall reform trends in higher education in different countries, it can be found that a great emphasis has been put on "outcome-based education" (OBE). Accordingly, many universities in Taiwan have also attempted to develop and/or implement different outcome-based education models in order to improve curriculum and instruction. Unlike traditional education which tends to focus on knowledge delivery using tests for evaluation, OBE has focused on developing critical competencies that are essential for citizens in the future society. It stresses that teaching should help students internalize these competencies and associate them with real life experiences. However, while many domestic and overseas universities are eager to develop and implement OBE, it is also necessary for educators to critically analyze and reflect on its feasibility and development under local context. This would help attain better understanding of the essence and value of OBE and to make better use of it. The purpose of this study is therefore to conceptually analyze the advantages and disadvantages of OBE. The purpose was accomplished by illustrating and reflecting on how its curricula are currently implemented, and by comparing it with traditional education models in order to further explore its value. In addition, we were able to propose possible means for continual improvements and development of it. The critical reflection on OBE in this paper concluded that the ultimate goal of higher education should focus on helping students achieve self-realization. In addition, we proposed a set of 12 practical suggestions for future reference. These suggestions also have implications for helping universities to better understand how to develop mechanisms for adapting and implementing OBE in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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