


The Reforming in Core Curriculum of General Education: The Chang Gung University Experience




曾華璧(Tseng, Hua-Pi)


長庚大學 ; 核心課程 ; 通識教育 ; Chang Gung University ; Core Curriculum ; general education




20期(2017 / 12 / 01)


101 - 121




長庚大學在102學年度起,實施「2+1」三學分的通識核心課程,目的是為了 符應21世紀高等教育發展之目標,並在全球化變遷中,增益學生的核心能力與素養。本文以歷史記錄的方式,呈現長庚自2013年至2016年實施通識核心課程之理念、規劃、實施規範、歷程與反思。長庚的通識教育核心課程(Core Curriculum或Core Courses in General Education,簡稱CC)以「讓長庚看見世界,讓世界看見長庚」(Chang Gung Global)為總指標,推動時,嚴格執行外審,規範每門課程皆須達到全校統一的執行準則,包括:閱讀兩本經典名著、三篇代表性期刊(專書)論文;規劃兩次思辨性主題討論;引導學生撰寫兩篇各兩千字以上的「主題式」報告;以及在每週課程的第三小時,帶領學生進行該課堂主題的深度與延伸討論;長庚並要求教師定期繳交執行成果報告書。長庚舉辦一次學術研討會,以檢視成果,並由學生組織團隊,調查同儕學習CC之成效。長庚大學推動CC,重在課程規範的建構,可視為21世紀臺灣通識教育發展上的一個實作之例。而這段改革歷程之所以成功,校方的支持,是重要的因素。


Since Fall 2013, Chang Gung University has launched 3-credit core curricular courses under its general education program to meet the developmental objectives of higher education in the 21st century and enhance students’ core competences in a rapidly globalizing world. This paper reviews the idea, plans, regulations, process, and reflections behind the reformation of core curricular courses at Chang Gung University from 2013 to 2016. The Core Curriculum (CC) at Chang Gung University aims at "bringing Chang Gung to the world and vice versa." "Chang Gung Global" is the guiding principle of the reformation. All relevant courses are subjected to a rigorous external review process and correspond to a university-wide standard. According to the regulations, each course must enhance the students’ reading, writing, oral communication, and critical thinking skills. Courses must ask students to (1) read two classics and three papers from authoritative journals or books in the field; (2) participate in two forums each semester aimed at enhancing critical thinking skills; (3) write two thematic term papers, 2000+ words each; and (4) participate in in-depth discussions in the third hour of each class. To assess learning outcomes of the core courses, instructors are required to submit regular reports, students review how well their classmates have learned in groups, and the university has also organized an academic conference for this purpose. In sum, Chang Gung University has successfully promoted CC through the establishment of a set of course rubrics and can be taken as a practical case in the development of general education in Taiwan in the 21st century. The university’s support was instrumental in the reformation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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