


The Confluence of Ideas on the University and Prospects of General Education in the 21^(st) Century




黃俊傑(Huang, Chun-chieh)


工具論 ; 大學之理念 ; 非工具論 ; 心靈覺醒之學習 ; 通識教育 ; instrumentalism ; principles of the university ; non-instrumentalism ; mindful learning, general education




20期(2017 / 12 / 01)


11 - 38






This article reviews the conflicts and confluence of traditional and modern views of higher education in the US, Japan, and Taiwan in the past two decades, with special attention on its impact on the development of general education at the university level. We point out in section two that the traditional view of education is based upon non-instrumentalism. It emphasizes a "holistic education" which calls for balance among the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and assigns great importance on core curricular and general education. On the contrary, the modern view of education stems from instrumentalism. It calls for the acquisition of "technical skills," demands the "commercialization" of education and research, and holds general education in lower regard. This trend towards instrumentalism originated from the US and has since spread to Japan and Taiwan. In section three, we review how general education is implemented in top universities in the US, Japan, and Taiwan in the 21st century under these competing views. We discovered that core curricular and general education credits amount to over 1/3 of the total credits for graduation in all top universities in the US and Japan. This is not the case in Taiwan. Therefore, we also account for how the modern view has dominated higher education and revolutionized general education in Taiwan since 2014. Finally, we argue for the benefits of implementing general education in section four. We believe that general education could improve the lives and competences of students. It teaches students to "intellect is subordinate to morality" and "look beyond intellectual pursuits to seek morality." We conclude by calling for a "people-oriented" general education which stresses "mindful learning," arguing that it would play an important role in our technology-driven era.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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