


The Learning Effectiveness of Game-based Learning for Students in Coping with Setbacks and Failure: Taking "Three Kingdoms Hegemony" in the course of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as an Example




韓德彥(Han, Der-Yan)


教學實踐研究 ; 遊戲式學習 ; 課程設計 ; 體驗學習 ; teaching practice research ; game-based learning ; curriculum design ; experiential learning




27期(2021 / 06 / 01)


33 - 55






The fear of failure index of Taiwanese young generation ranked the last place globally. Obviously, it is an important task to teach students how to cope with setbacks and failure. Through real experience of competitive games and reflection in the designed "Three Kingdoms Hegemony" of general education curriculum "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," this research aims to realize what students learned when facing setbacks and failure, and explore the factors contributing to this learning effectiveness. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the reflective journals and group interview verbatim of 32 students in the autumn semester of 2018. The results show that the design converting all performance scores into the game let students learned ways to face setbacks and failure including: 1. Seeking effective strategies; 2. Reflecting on the cause of failure; 3. Attributing failure to luck and destiny; 4. Valuing the process more than the result; 5. Looking upon failure from an alternative perspective. In addition, the results also reveal that the factors leading benefits of game-based learning including: 1. Stimulating student's motivation; 2. Simulating the game to real life; 3. Reflecting experiences of game to wisdom of life. The concept and method of "Three Kingdoms Hegemony" are fully integrated with the main purport of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," so that students can learn a positive attitude to cope with setbacks and failure, and transform them into wisdom of life. This research offers suggestions for teachers and colleges in future applications.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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