


The Application of Mindfulness Meditation in General Education: Take the Integration of MBCT & MBSR as An Example




姜義勝(Jiang, Yi-Sheng);楊振昇(Yang, Chen-Sheng)


正念 ; 正念減壓 ; 正念認知 ; 靜心 ; MBCT ; MBSR ; meditation ; mindfulness




28期(2021 / 12 / 01)


37 - 76




當前大學校園學生面對課業、情感以及未來就業等不同壓力來源,經常無法有效學習,甚至造成人際關係或情緒障礙。多年來歐美許多大學,推廣以正念作為減輕壓力的方法,例如在英國牛津大學以及美國麻州大學等均成立相關正念中心,並開設與正念相關課程(如MBCT和MBSR)。本研究透過大學通識課程中,開授以正念靜心為基礎的正念減壓課程,引導學生將正念練習運用在生活當中,學習如何面對壓力,有效減輕壓力,重新學習新的生活的方式和態度。本研究透過通識教育課程,以MBCT & MBSR融入課程內容,設計適合學生的靜心課程,經由實際教學引導,結合學生自我探索和回饋單書寫,設計問卷等方式,探討學生於修習課程後,對於專注力的提升、壓力的減輕和情緒的管理等,是否有助益。研究結果顯示,學生於修習課程後,對於專注力的提升、壓力的減輕,情緒的管理等有明顯的改善;此外,本研究也分享研究者五年來的正念教學省思,以及遭遇教學的困難和如何因應方法。


University students in Taiwan face different sources of stress including schoolwork, emotional stress, and anxiety of employment in the future. Therefore, they cannot always learn effectively. And these stress causes interpersonal or emotional disorders. Many University such as Oxford University and University of Massachusetts established mindfulness center, where MBCT and MBSR courses were provided over the years as a way to reduce stress. This study is based on the course of MBCT & MBSR. The subjects of this study are the students who took the course in the General Education Center of the University. The curriculum guides students to understand the sources of stress, helps them learn how to deal with pressure, applies mindfulness to reduce stress and eventually helps them lead a brand new life. The purpose and method of this research was through combining the MBCT & MBSR curriculum design and practical teaching guiding with the description of students' self-exploration, feedback sheet writing, and the questionnaire to understand students concentration, stress reduction, and emotion management. The results of this study showed that after taking this class, students had successfully improved concentration, reduced stress, and had better skills of emotion management. In addition, this research also shares the author's five years of mindfulness teaching reflection, as well as the difficulties encountered in teaching and in practice.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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