


On the Humanities Education as General Education: What, Why and How?




黃俊傑(Huang, Chun-Chieh)


人文教育 ; 心之覺知 ; 心學 ; 東亞儒家 ; 通識教育 ; Humanities education ; mindfulness ; the learning of mind-and-heart ; East Asian Confucianisms ; General education




28期(2021 / 12 / 01)


9 - 35




本文指出人文教育在通識教育中居於首要地位,並強調在「全球化」與「反全球化」激盪、自動化與「人工智慧」(AI)快速發展、「新冠病毒」(COVID-19)的衝擊之下,21世紀的人文教育需要進行「典範轉移」(paradigm shift),以因應新時代的需求。本文第2節釐清相對於人文專業教育而言,人文通識教育的特色在於寬而博,並注重「價值判斷」(value judgment),並指出在人文教育中「專業」與「通識」應並重;第3節探討作為通識教育的人文教育之性質,主張通識人文教育的目標在於對宇宙、世界、人生提出一套解釋(interpretation),並賦予意義感(sense of meaning),而東亞儒家「心」學傳統之中強調學習者的「心」之覺醒的教育,正是21世紀大學人文通識教育重要的文化根源;第4節接著探討21世紀通識教育中人文教育之所以必要的理由,主張在21世紀的社會中,必須以協助學生建立以內在「覺知」(mindfulness)為基礎的人格與精神。正是來自優質通識人文教育的培養。本文第5節分析作為通識教育的人文教育課程的兩種教學方法,其一是統合「出乎其外」(etic)與「入乎其內」(emic)的教學方式;其二是採用以「角色展演」(role paly)為中心的戲劇展演方式,這兩種教學方法都有助於培育學習者之「同理心」。本文結論主張透過優質人文通識教育,培養學生「機器不可取代的能力」,並以「心之覺知」與「心之學習」,作為21世紀人文通識教育的新典範。


The 21^(st) century witnesses the rivalry between globalization and counter-globalization, the rapid development of automation and AI and the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. This article discusses the what, why and how of humanities education in 21st century as general education. I argue that the humanities education as general education in the 21^(st) century is of supreme importance. And it needs a major "paradigm shift." I further indicate that the humanities education as general education aims at interpreting the meaning of the universe, the world and life. This new direction of humanities education is in line with the learning of mind-and-heart in traditional East Asian thought which aims at cultivating the "mindfulness." I also suggest two possible ways of teaching the humanities courses as general education, namely, (a) a combination of the "etic" and "emic" approach and (b) "role play" as a pedagogical method in the classroom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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