


Investigation of Effects on the Motivation of Caring and Service-Learning: A Case Study of Using Board Games in the General Education Course of Health Promotion




王素真(Wang, Su-Chen)


桌遊 ; 高齡者 ; 健康促進 ; 關懷服務 ; board game ; the elderly ; health promotion ; caring service




29期(2022 / 06 / 01)


141 - 175






The study investigated health promotion and elderly caring services via group-learning using board games and academic activities based on the concept of health promotion. The objective of this study aimed to understand whether incorporating board games into the classroom activities of health promotion would increase students' motivation for elderly caring services. The 28 sophomores who attended both the 16-hour "Board game design workshop" and the professional courses of "health promotion" participated in this study. In the first phase of the study, students attended the "Board game design workshop" to understand and experience different types of board games. In the second phase, students took "health promotion" course, from which they learned professional knowledge of health promotion, designed their own board games, and applied them to caring and service settings. Study subjects were also provided with the learning motivation scale for pre-test and post-test analysis. The results are: First, Combining board games with the "health promotion" course is helpful to the enhancement of learning motivation which reaches statistical significance. Second, Combining board games with the course helps students understand the knowledge and skills of "health promotion" and reach out for other health promotion information in advance. This means that the combination of board games and professional courses can effectively increase students' motivation for participating in the elderly caring services and provide them with a sense of satisfaction. This paper concludes that the study provides a useful reference for teachers and scholars who plan to combine board games with academic activities in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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