The importance of core competencies and the trend of integrating global issues in curriculum has gained increasing attention in recent years. In fact, the topic of issues integration into curriculum has also been adopted in several higher education teaching practice research in Taiwan and have been proven to bring positive effects toward cultivation of competencies, interdisciplinary inquiry, and social awareness. However, the researchers found that the alignments among big ideas, issues, cultivation of thinking abilities, and assessment have not been stressed enough in previous research. Thus, there is an urgent need to review relevant literature and propose a curriculum to solve the above issues. In the present research, we aim to propose an issues integration and competency-based curriculum design framework and inquire two research questions: 1) How does students' performance on issues analysis change during issue integration curriculum enactment? 2) How does students' perception of learning change during issue integration curriculum enactment? We applied action research method for research design and qualitative research paradigm for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The analysis results revealed that issues integration and UbD course design have brought positive impact on students' performance of issues analysis writing, especially their performance of considering multiple viewpoints and systems thinking. Meanwhile, students perceived improvement of reading comprehension and positive influence from group collaboration and metacognitive thinking. The positive result proved that the present curriculum design could serve as an applicable and practical framework. The limitation of the research is the lack of more comprehensive explanation between how group collaboration affects students' performance of issues inquiry. The suggestion for future study is to consolidate literature and collect data of group discussion to bridge the gap. Insights gained from the present research may provide reference for future researchers and educators who are interested in this topic.
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