


Zhang Taiyan's Theory of Legalism




朱浩(Hao Zhu)


章太炎 ; 法家 ; 思想 ; ZhangTaiyan ; Legalism ; Theory




17期(2014 / 12 / 01)


137 - 171






Since the modern times , during the process of development of China's political thought, The traditional of "Zhu ZI thought" once again shows its glorious in modern China, so many modern thinkers paid more attention to "Zhu ZI thought", during the process of development of Zhang Taiyan's thought, Taoism and Buddhism had the profound influence of him, But we should not overlook is that: Zhang also paid more attention to traditional theory of legalism, the nature of Zhang's theory of legalism was a new political thought , why Zhang was so interested in the theory of legalism? The answer is that: for modern China's revolutionaries theory of legalism owned very profound theory value, but at the same time Zhang's thought of equality of things made him believe that there exist very difference between western political philosophy and the local political philosophy, we don't need to looked upon China's traditional thought. On the basis of the correct understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western, Zhang thought that we should to inherit and carry forward the theory of legalism, during such progress, we have to pay attention to the construction of legal system and highly centralization, they are very useful to solve the disorder of the early time of the Republic of China, so Zhang didn't accept the party politics and support "obey" and respect "authority". Because of those thought, Zhang tried to design the future time of China's political arrangements. Zhang proposed the authoritarian politics and political participation, they contained: political consultation, limits of representative, talent selection mode that fit to the nation's situation, thought of administration and legislation. They were the core of Zhang's political thought.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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