Accompany with preaching tactic, missioners introduce the medicine which is symbolized modernity to China. Especially, anatomy and health information influence grown up and the medical academic. However, it ignores primary education. Therefore, J. M. W. Farnham publishes The Child’s Paper Undenominational Monthly that he tries to spread reading circle. It not only enlightens children but also preach Christianity. People seldom discuss The Child’s Paper Undenominational Monthly, so this paper takes the publishing for object. Focus on medicine, religion in Sheng Shen Zhi Zhang(省身指掌), Bao Shen Liang Fa(保身良法), Shou Shi Xin Fa(壽世新法) and medical reports, and it extends the topics of body, health, preaching, and so on, which shows the nation under the medicine.