


Study on the Name and Functional Usage of Male Root Ware and Sex Utensils in the Western Han Dynasty


楚天佑(Chu, Tian-You)


祖形器 ; 性器具 ; 生殖崇拜 ; 修仙 ; 房中術 ; Phallus-like objects ; Sexual instruments ; Reproductive worship ; Cultivate immortality ; Sexual intercourse




24期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 43






The names of male root ware and sex utensils unearthed in the Western Han Dynasty are confused, so it is suggested to name them uniformly. Male root analog and image should be named as phallus-like objects, while the frame type utensils shall be named Yang carriers and Yang carrier rings. These sex instruments are all owned by the males. They are neither the female masturbation instruments, nor the female sex toys, but the cultivation tools owned by the emperors or the high-class nobles. The phallus-like objects and Yang carriers have different uses respectively. The phallus-like objects have two functions, and one is for procreation worship. In the late Qin and early Han dynasties, the population decreased sharply, and the desire for population growth was strong. Some of the phallus-like objects in the Western Han Dynasty still had the basic function of reproduction worship. The other function is used as the sexual intercourse preheating tools. The phallus-like objects are used to replace the male penis to accelerate female genitalia secretion, shorten the penis and female genitalia direct contact time, delay ejaculation, and effectively collect Yin essence. Yang carriers and Yang carrier rings are mainly used as auxiliary tools to prevent ejaculation when the males are collecting Yin and replenishing Yang. Its specific usage is to set penis, keep it hard, make it soft in and hard out, promote female secretion to produce Yin essence, ensure the appropriate time to collect Yin essence, control semen leakage, prevent semen leakage and maintain semen, and absorb Yin essence in the state of hard. The males look forward to nourishing their brains by collecting Yin and replenishing Yang. While the modern medicine has proved that this practice has no practical effects but is just a fantasy.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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