


A Study on Relationship Maintenance of ADSL Broadband Subscibers: An Example of Chunghwa Telecom




陳建文(Chien-Wen Chen)


ADSL ; 服務品質 ; 信任 ; 資產專屬性 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; ADSL ; Service Quality ; Trust ; Asset Specificity ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty




2卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


229 - 251






With the deregulation of telecom industry in past few years, a highly competitive era was launched and continues to this day. How to promote the long-term relationship between service provider and customer has become increasingly important. However, there are two important folds which are seldom considered in the past research, particularly in the field of ADSL. One is trust, which is the user want to maintain the relationship with their service provider voluntarily. And the other is asset specificity, which is the user wanted to maintain that relationship passively. In this study, the ADSL broadband subscribers of Chunghwa Telecom are selected as our sample. The results show that the subscribers' trust is strongly influenced by the representatives' service, which in turn determines the formation of subscribers' satisfaction. Moreover, the subscribers' trust and satisfaction are two main factors to influence users' loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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