


The Influence of Corporate Reputation on Organizational Attractiveness and Job Pursuit Intention




葉佳綾(Chia-Lin Yeh);許壹傑(I-Chieh Hsu)


企業聲望 ; 組織人才吸引力 ; 求職意圖 ; Corporate Reputation ; Organizational Attractiveness ; Job Pursuit Intention




3卷1期(2009 / 12 / 01)


103 - 119




企業聲望與員工招募是近年來產學兩界共同關注的議題,對於人力資源管理來說,招募是一切的基礎,優秀的人才能提升企業的整體績效,而企業聲望已被視為求才組織在勞動市場上取得關鍵競爭優勢的重要來源,故本研究目的,首先為探討企業聲望對組織人才吸引力與求職意圖的影響;其次,探討組織人才吸引力在企業聲望與求職意圖之間的中介效果。本研究以台灣六家企業為實證對象,衡量受試者對於這六家企業的聲望知覺、組織人才吸引力與求職意圖。受試者樣本來源為北部地區與中部地區共八所大學的應屆畢業生,包括大學部與碩士班,針對這些應屆畢業生發放問卷,回收有效問卷412 份。研究結果首先發現企業聲望正向影響組織人才吸引力;其次,組織人才吸引力正向影響求職意圖;最後,企業聲望雖也正向影響求職意圖,然而更重要者,組織人才吸引力在企業聲望與求職意圖的關係上具有完全中介效果。


Corporate reputation and recruitment have been issues of interest to both scholars and managers. This research seeks to investigate the effect of corporate reputation on both organizational attractiveness and job pursuit intention. To facilitate this investigation, valid questionnaires were collected from 412 graduate and university students in their final years of study, drawn from 8 universities in the central and northern regions in Taiwan. Data analysis suggests that corporate reputation leads to organizational attractiveness perceived by prospective job seekers, which improves their job pursuit intention. Organizational attractiveness fully mediates the relationship between corporate reputation and job pursuit intention. This research addresses prior inconsistent results and gaps in the literature. The results have both theoretical and practical implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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