




陳建文(Chien-Wen Chen);駱達彪(D. B. Lock);王文欣(Wen-Hsin Wan)


部落格 ; 系統品質 ; 資訊品質 ; 主觀規範 ; 科技接受模型 ; Blog ; System Quality ; Information Quality ; Subjective Norm ; Technology Acceptance Model




5卷1期(2011 / 12 / 01)


41 - 59






With the development of information technology, the numbers of virtual community users have dramatically increased. This leads entrepreneurs to pay close attention to what is current in blogs. To fully harness the power of the Internet, the bloggers and blog providers need to provide good-quality user environment to motivate people to participate in blog activities. This study incorporates information and system quality with technology acceptance model to investigate blog user intention. Moreover, since the subject norm has shown to possess effects for individuals, we integrate it into our study to resolve the influential factors of blog user intention. This study takes as research subjects users of tourism blogs, and discusses the relationship between the characteristics of blogs and user intention. The result appears that subjective norm affects user intentions significantly; information quality and system quality affect user cognition. Also affected are user attitudes, albeit in an indirect way.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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