The study explores whether the R&D behavior brings some risk and impacts on financial performance or not. In this research, the variables of R&D behavior construct are R&D density, R&D intensity, and speed of innovation. The variables of risk construct are standard deviation of total sales, degree of operating leverage, degree of financial leverage, standard deviation of return on assets, and standard deviation of return on equity. The variables of financial performance construct are return on assets, return on equity, gross profit ratio, and operating income ratio. The results show that the standard deviation of return on assets and the standard deviation of return on equity, are mediators in the process of impact of speed of innovation on all financial performance variables for whole electronic industry. In other words, when the R&D behavior variables is speed of innovation, that will bring fluctuations of both return on assets and return on equity and then make an impact on financial performance; but if when the R&D behavior variable is R&D density, all of risk variables are not mediators for all financial performance variables. For listed electronic companies, the standard deviation of return on assets and the standard deviation of return on equity are mediators in the process of impact of speed of innovation on all financial performance variables. For over-the-counter electronic companies, the standard deviation of return on assets and the standard deviation of return on equity are partial mediators in the process of impact of R&D density on operating income ratio.
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