


Unintended Consequences? Strategic CSR of Taiwanese Small-and-Medium Enterprises




汪浩(Hao Wang);曾欽正(Hsin-Cheng Tsen)


策略性企業社會責任 ; 中小企業 ; 利害關係人 ; 紮根理論 ; SCSR ; SMEs ; stakeholders ; Grounded Theory




5卷1期(2011 / 12 / 01)


89 - 123






Since about three decades the corporate social responsibility is gradually modeled and generalized as strategic action in its evolutionary or causal sense. The contingency of corporate operating is hence more or less neglected. Recent empirical studies have revealed that a SCSR action is severely constraint. Evolutionary or limited causality-oriented arguments have over-reduced the impacts of complicated and uncertain stakeholders on their social embedded environmental structure and entrepreneurship. We choose then 10 typical SMEs to observe and interview which have implemented or are going to plan their CSR actions. Qualitatively approached Grounded Theory is validated for clarifying the still confused association of CSR-cognitions, -intentions and -actions of SMEs. Unlike the intended ”Strategic Plans” of big firms, the CSR actions of SMEs more lies in and could be characterized as endless contingent adjustments because of successively unintended consequences through opened market boundary. The consequences can be passive reactions against macro environmental challenges or active micro actions of entrepreneurship which represent complicated process of successive decision making of SMEs by their struggling for development or just for surviving. Anyhow, ”strategic intention” as explanation of these actions is over-simplified.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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