


Hot-Issue in SEOs Market and the Performance




王朝仕(Chao-Shi Wang);余智生(Chih-Shen Yu);李麗蘋(Li-Ping Lee)


現金增資股票(SEOs) ; 熱發行 ; 群聚 ; 擇時 ; Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) ; Hot Issue ; Cluster ; Timing




6卷1期(2012 / 12 / 01)


109 - 129






The stock market provides companies with a channel and means for equity financing. However, previous studies have indicated that when companies issue seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) to obtain funds, they release a signal of stock overestimation that causes negative reactions to performance. Considering this background, we explored whether companies can ease stock price overestimation doubts using hot issue measures; namely, choosing the optimal time to sell the SEOs when the market is hot. This study considered the cluster issuance and timing issuance criteria of the characteristics of hot issue operations. The empirical results revealed that some evidences indicated that selling SEOs using the hot issue method helps to improve the investors' willingness to buy, especially when the economy, overall stock market performance, or individual stock performance are functioning effectively. For investors who have successfully procured SEOs, their profitability is related to whether the stocks have hot issue characteristics. This result is produced through overall stock market performance and individual stock performance-defined hot issues. However, according to the measurement of the original shareholders' wealth conducted by this study, hot issues cannot eliminate the price overestimation doubts derived from equity financing. Long-term observation indicated that original shareholders' wealth does not grow because of a company's hot issue strategy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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