


The Study of Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment and Trust to Willingness of Sharing Knowledge and Performance: Take TSC as an Example




林永順(Yeong-Shenn Lin);李宜珈(Yi-Jia Li);蔡青園(Chung-Yuan Tsay)


組織公平 ; 組織承諾 ; 信任 ; 知識分享意願 ; 工作績效 ; 台糖公司 ; Organizational Justice ; Organizational Commitment ; Trust ; Willingness of Sharing Knowledge ; Performance ; Taiwan Sugar Corporation




8卷1期(2014 / 12 / 01)


57 - 96




知識經濟時代的來臨,組織運用知識管理以提升組織效能為知識經濟時代中必然之趨勢,知識已被認為是影響組織成長與維持競爭優勢的關鍵因素。然而在現實生活中,組織內成員卻往往不願意與他人分享知識,而常私下予以保留,究竟有什麼因素可以促進組織成員對知識分享的意願?爰此,本研究將由組織公平、組織承諾、信任等三項影響知識分享意願的前置因素,分別驗證不同因素對知識分享意願之影響,以及知識分享意願對工作績效之影響。本研究以台糖公司八大事業部員工為對象,透過問卷調查法進行,共計發出500 份問卷,回收399 份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率是79.8%。由研究結果顯示:(1)組織公平、組織承諾及信任對知識分享意願有正向影響關係;(2)知識分享意願對工作績效有正向影響關係;(3)人口統計變項對組織公平、組織承諾、信任、知識分享意願及工作績效等構面間,部分有顯著差異。本研究並依據上述研究結果,提出建議。


The era of knowledge economic is coming. It is inevitable trend that organizations use knowledge management to enhance organizational efficiency. Knowledge is considered as the key factor to organizational growth and maintaining competitive advantage. In fact, employees don’t share knowledge with each other and keep it. What factors can promote the willingness of sharing knowledge among organizational members? Therefore, the study shows the effect of willingness of sharing knowledge on organizational justice, organizational commitment and trust, respectively. In addition, it shows the effect of willingness of sharing knowledge on performance. This research adopts questionnaires from employees of 8 business divisions of Taiwan Sugar Corporation. The results of study are as follows: (1) Organizational justice, organizational commitment and trust have significant positive correlations with willingness of sharing knowledge. (2) There is a positive correlation between willingness of sharing knowledge and performance. (3) Population statistics variables have partly significant differences to organizational justice, organizational commitment, trust, willingness of sharing knowledge and performance. According to these results of study, we offer some suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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