With the trend of Taiwan's aging society and declining birthrate, "elderly care" has become an important subject of the government's social welfare policy. In order to take into account social welfare and fiscal expenditures, the Ministry of the Interior has started a trial of the " reverse mortgage for the aged people" program. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the influential factors to the policy from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In addition, the literature also clearly points out that consumer trust in brands affects purchasing intentions, this study also wants to explore the impact of brand trust on purchasing intention and whether it moderates the relationship between variables in TPB and purchasing intention. This research used the customers of A Bank in Tainan area as samples. 500 questionnaires were distributed by convenient sampling, and 476 valid questionnaires were collected. The findings indicate that: (1) attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control have significant positive effects on purchase intention respectively; (2) brand trust including brand reliability and brand intention has a positively significant impact on purchasing intention; while considering both of them, only brand intention has a significant positive impact. (3) When all independent variables are considered, it is found that only attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control have a positive and significant impact, but dimensions of brand trust have no significant impact. (4) There is no significant moderating effect of brand trust. Based on the research results, this study also proposes some managerial suggestions.
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內政部統計處(2017),106 年第 10 週內政統計通報(我國老年人口數首次超過幼年人口數)。取自:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_content.aspx?sn=11735