


On the Shipboard Opera Performance during the Ming and Qing Dynasties




康保成(Bao-Cheng Kang)


明清 ; 船臺 ; 戲曲 ; 演出 ; Pre-ming dynasty ; Ship-based stage船臺 ; Opera ; Performance




2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


93 - 124






This paper is a thorough survey on the shipboard opera performance in the Venice-like cities in South China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and point out that there are two main trends of the performance in this period, one is that along with the operas' thriving, the main performance on the shipboard transfer from the songs and dances to the operas, and the other is that the performances' focus transfers from the emperor's enjoyments to the folks' entertainments. The paper summarizes the following characteristics that on its functions some ships have performances during its transportation (for example the Jiangshan (江山) Ships in the Zhejiang Province), some are yachts with opera performances (for example the night yachts on the Qin (秦) and Hui (淮) Rivers), some are professional opera team's ship-based stage (for example the Gaoshengtai (高升台) in the City Suzhou), and some are farmers' boats' having performances during a fete for the ancestry. On the field for performance, some have performances in the cabin or on the fore of the ship (for example the fore-coiled ship (卷稍船), some juxtapose several ships for a bigger stage (for example the Qianlong Emperor's opera ship during his southern trip of inspection), some build stage on a big multi-floored ship(for example the Xihu lake (西湖) multi-floored ship (樓船)), On the stage-building, some are as simple as Biansanqingtai (卞三慶臺) ship-based opera team's that they just spread boards on the ship's fore as a stage, some have very complex structures as the Gaoshengtai's (高升台) like the Buddha's temple, some build the stage on the ship's fore and some just build it above the shipboard. On the performing modality, the scholar-bureaucrats (士大夫) in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces love the Kun Opera (崑曲) in several folds and opera without obbligato; the professional water-route opera team perform Peking Opera and Hui Opera (徽戲) as a complete play. No matter the upper-class' delicate yachts or the farmers' homely boats, the Shipboard Opera Performances are one of the undeniable opera performances modalities in the history of the theater. It not only enhances the spread of the operas uniquely but gives an active influence on the births of some kinds of the operas.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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