


The Emotional Expressions and Structure in Beijing Opera Pong-Yin: Combining Performance Analysis with Audience's Physiological Measures




蔡振家(Chen-Gia Tsai)


戲曲觀眾 ; 戲曲表演 ; 梅蘭芳 ; 膚電反應 ; 協調 ; 節奏 ; Xiqu audience ; Xiqu performance ; Lan-Fang Mei ; skin conductance response ; coordination ; rhythm




11期(2014 / 01 / 01)


125 - 161






While watching a play, audience's emotional changes may be reflected by their physiological indicators, such as skin conductance. If the sample size of audience is large enough, it may be possible to reveal the average behavior of play-watching in terms of the data distribution of physiological data. The present study revisits Beijing opera Pong-Yin on the basis of audience's physiological measures. It is found that changes in singing or gait, ending poses, and special facial/bodily expressions of the actor have a strong moving power. Moreover, the coordination and linking between gestures, lyrics, music... are analyzed. During the creative process of Pong-Yin, Lan-Fang Mei masterly blended the performing techniques of different role types and modified the libretto. This highlights two artistic spirits of Beijing opera: the actor as the center, and the musical rhythm as the play structure. These aesthetic characteristics emerge from the performance analysis in this study.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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