Among all types of characters in Hakka dramas, the clown role play can show the most of Hakka oral characteristics. The folk troupe for the classification of clowns are also different from other operas to have "foolish clown", "smart clown", "old-styled clown", "civilized clown", "mad clown", "martial clown" and various different categories. In addition, the latter two of which are clown performance of madness and good at martial arts for the distinction, according to the first four are oral as a role of the standard features. It can be seen that the performing of oral art has played an important role in Hakka clown. Currently, the clown role play teaching of formal education is using already fixed script roughly as textbooks for the students to memorize familiar, then train their Hakka pronunciation, facial expressions and body style of singing as "impromptu" performance of advanced education that must be individual participation in the outdoors performances and learn from the old artists in the troupe, can obtain further learning and exercise opportunities. Because this advanced teaching is not easy to plan and grasp, this study attempts to develop a course from the senior artist of Hakka clown to work to discuss their training process about the performance skills, and how to master Hakka oral language performance in order to shape the bases of a different role play of performance style. In this study, I select well-known clown artist, Chang you-choi, good at performing "foolish clown" as the study object. In six times period from 1992 to 1997, Hakka drama races held by in the Taiwan Provincial Government. He has ever participated of the race four times to receive the clown role awards every time.In 2012, he was registered as traditional art of intangible cultural assets (Hakka tea-picking opera) preserver in Miaoli County Government. At present, he is nearly eighty years old with semiretired status. But, he still performs in the civil ceremony with the drama troupe. As a director of the play, he is also responsible for guiding the young generation about the clown-related style of singing, reading and performing skills. In this paper, it explores Chang you-choi's "foolish clown" skills of apprenticeship course to use the fieldwork of interview and observation as a research method to discuss his clown role training process, oral language art learning process, and think of future possible paths for clown role play in Hakka drama advanced teaching.