


Beijing Opera Education Center—the Beiji ng Opera education association between tr aining school and amateur society




吳怡穎(Yi-Ying Wu)


京劇 ; 國劇傳習所 ; 國劇學會 ; 《國劇畫報》 ; 《戲劇叢刊》 ; Beijing Opera, Beijing Opera Education Center (GuoJuChuan Xi Suo), Beijing Opera Association (GuoJuXue Hui),“Drama Series (Xi Ju Cong Kan)”,“Beijing Opera Pictures (GuoJu Hua Bao)”




13期(2015 / 12 / 01)


99 - 132






Beijing Opera Education Center (GuoJuChuan Xi Suo), the affiliated organization of Beijing Opera Association (GuoJuXue Hui), was established in 1932, the prosperous year of Beijing Opera. During the period, Beijing Opera was not only the pop culture but also the new study. The aim of Beijing Opera Education Center was “For those who eager to learn Beijing Opera but don't know how to”; therefore, it became one part of the diversified education of Beijing Opera. Mei Lanfang and Yu Shuyan were the leaders of Beijing Opera Association, and Qi Rushan, Zhang Boju and Fu Xihua were the co-founders. They organized the education center for training the descendant, and published the Beijing Opera magazines— “Drama Series (Xi Ju Cong Kan)” and “Beijing Opera Pictures (GuoJu Hua Bao)”, for that they planned to combine training/education and research/promotion. Hence, though Beijing Opera Education Center dissolution for Mei Lanfang’s southing Shanghai and had existed for only one year, it was still very important in Beijing Opera history. This thesis focuses on the data of Beijing Opera Education Center in “Drama Series” and “Beijing Opera Pictures”, and within these two magazines, “Beijing Opera Pictures” was the most direct and precious firsthand information. The lectures of Beijing Opera Education Center published as the insertion article on “Beijing Opera Pictures”, also the photos of teachers and students. The present article is based on the magazine materials and other related biographies to analyze the organization operation, lecture content and student development. The uniqueness of education ideal appeared from its lectures on both art and literature of Beijing Opera. And last, but not least, the identity and inheritance of Beijing Opera Education Center could be highlighted, and the lack of Beijing Opera history could be repaired.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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