


The Characteristics of the Northern and Southern Tunes




曾永義(Yong-Yih Tseng)


南曲 ; 北曲 ; 戲曲語言 ; Southern Tune ; Northern Tune ; Language of Xi-Qu




14期(2016 / 06 / 01)


1 - 47






There are numerous discourses on the differences and similarities between the Northern Tune and the Southern Tune, in the archives of traditional operas of Ming and Qing dynasties. In this article, I will summarize the arguments from twenty five critique works, and make the following contention : the Northern Tune, originated from a natural and wild environment, is known for its heroic and grandiose style, whilst the Southern Tune, out of a more temperate and mild surroundings, is celebrated for its guilelessness and gentleness. There are four characteristics in the language of the Northern Tune : the use of idioms, the lavish repetition of laminar words, the superb decorative expressions, and the quotation of classics. On the other hand, from the masterpieces of Southern Tune : 《The Legend of Lute》by Gao Ming of Yuan Dynasty, 《The Peony Pavilion》by Tang Shian Tzu of Ming Dynasty, 《The Palace of Eternality》by Hong Sheng of Qing Dynasty, we can further identify the differences and similarities between the Southern Tune and its northern counterpart. First, there is less word inserting in the Southern Tune. Second, there is less use of laminar wording, sound-duplication words, onomatopoeia, and idioms as well. Third, after the literary innovation of the Southern Tune in Ming Dynasty, the better works would reach the level of the best poetry, while the lesser ones would seem flashy but dull, while the language of the Northern Tune would either be vernacular and natural, or graceful without losing the heroic sense. As a result, the Northern and Southern Tunes take on different savors and routes of progress.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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