


The Research About How to Name Traditional Chinese Tunes and Ballads and their Meaning




游素凰(Yu, Su-Huang)


歌謠 ; 民歌 ; 山歌 ; 小調 ; 歌謠小調 ; ballad ; folk song ; folk song in mountain villages ; small tune ; ballads and tunes




18期(2018 / 06 / 01)


49 - 84






The traditional ballads are the source of Chinese literatures and the fountainhead of arts. Then ballads refined with art process into tunes, both of them often been absorbed and used into different kinds of traditional Chinese drama. For generations, performing arts cannot help but to unite with ballads and tunes. In this article, I would like to clarify and make the systematization from the source of how they were named, meaning and definition. From the research of normal dictionary to professional dictionary and predecessors' used methods for recent years, we could find that the related name of tunes kept showing up since the pre-Qin imperial dynasty to Ching dynasty, can be found almost all the dynasty. It shows that the tunes are rich of vitality and toughness that able to evolve with different times and areas, including music(yue/樂), sound song(sheng/聲), feng-song(feng/ 風), Qing Shang(qing-shang/清商), Qing music(qing-yue/清樂), Qing Shang music(qing-shang-yue/清商樂), ballad(ge-yau/歌謠), folk song(min-ge/民歌), folk song in mountain villages(shan-ge/山歌), tune(qu-tz/曲子), small tune(shiau-qu/小 曲), country song(su-qu/俗曲), local song(li-qu/俚曲), melody(diau/調), popular melody(shi-diau/時調) and popular tune(shi-qu/時曲) etc. Besides, the story of all of them are able to sing very easily so that could pass on by local farmers and normal city residents. Those short and not strict tunes, made by human voice, could not only be cappella but also accompany with instruments, are sincere in both voice and lyrics. With the risen of the city, these tunes spread into city from countryside, and then started to perform by professional artists with instruments and libretto, their lyrics and melody kept their original short pattern and became changeable at the same time. From this period time, tunes started to separate and grow on their own from ballads and became one of the independent branches, after the Republic of China was established, both of tunes and ballads were used widely in individual way. Although tunes and ballads' name and meaning are miscellaneous, we can still observe and divide them by the way how to name them, the type of the lyrics, the structure of music, the pattern of perform, the mode of singing and propagation and the artistic features. Besides, when it comes to the argument of the common characteristics of ballads and tunes which usually happened in local traditional Chinese drama, such as the unique tunes came from the Gezi opera, will be discussed in another thesis.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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