


Poet/Playwright: Revisiting the Art of Ma Zhiyuan's Zaju Works




游宗蓉(Yu, Tsung-Jung)


馬致遠 ; 元雜劇 ; 詩人劇作家 ; 抒情化 ; 套式 ; 排場 ; Ma Zhiyuan ; zaju of the Yuan dynasty ; poet-playwright ; lyricalization ; formulaic tune-set (taoshi) ; stagecraft (paichang)




19期(2018 / 12 / 01)


167 - 208






Ma Zhiyuan (1250-1321) is always regarded as a representative "poet-playwright" of the zaju genre in the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). Many scholars have pointed out a distinguished "poetic quality" in Ma's dramatic works, which serve as a medium for personal sentiment expression of the poet/playwright. Such a lyrical approach in his dramatic works, however, gradually makes them appear overrefined in language and unfit for stage performance. This article is intended to reevaluate such an argument in terms of Ma's zaju works. First of all, a closer examination of Ma's poetic quality and the trend toward overrefinement in language in his zaju, as generally perceived by scholars, reveals that while the distinctive subjective sentiments and an elegant language style in his dramatic works can be rightly seen as the characteristics of his poetic quality, Ma's zaju works are actually still in compliance with the generic principles of drama in the aspects of plot design, characterization, and language use. Furthermore, when investigating the stage practice of Ma's zaju works from his choice of subjects, use of formulaic tune-sets (taoshi), and arrangement of stagecraft (paichang), it can be found that his choice of subjects were all top-ranking and well-received kinds in the Yuan theater; his arrangements of stage performing that emphasized the harmony between plot and sound and also the variation of stagecraft elements were fitting and appropriate but with only few incongruous cases. They suggest Ma's precise grasp of the liking of the Yuan audience as well as his mastery of the requirements and rules in theatrical art. To sum up, as a "poet-playwright," the achievement of Ma the Poet has been widely acknowledged, but for Ma the Playwright, the theatrical art of his zaju has not yet been sufficiently understood and rightfully appreciated. Poet and playwright are never two incompatible conceptual identities. Ma's zaju works are not only a projection of the playwright's personal sentiments but also a display of the playwright's stage practice to captivate his audience.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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