


Observing the Qualification of Folk Songs of Taiwanese Opera from the Eight Elements of Qupai




游素凰(Yu, Su-Huang)


歌仔 ; 歌謠小調 ; 載體 ; 曲牌 ; 曲牌八律 ; Ge zi (Taiwanese Folk Songs) ; Folk Songs ; the Carrier ; Qupai ; the Eight Elements of Qupai




20期(2019 / 06 / 01)


25 - 100






The "Qupai" takes the highest ideal art-place in both literary and musical parts of the traditional opera, and the most representative example is the Qupai of Kunqu which evolved during the Ming and Qing Dynasty. The Eight Elements theory of Qupai for the tunes of tradional opera was established by professor Tseng, Yong-Yih, used to measure the artistry amount. Those "Folk Songs" tunes of the Taiwanese Opera (Ge Zi Xi), such as 【qi zi diao】, 【za nian diao】, 【bei si diao】, 【dou ma diao】, 【ku diao】, 【liu san diao】, 【man tou】etc., all play with their own uniform tunes patterns. Some of these tunes were formed with the pattern by seven words each for four sentences, but some were formed by uneven length pattern. Most of them are formed with the pattern by seven words each for four sentences, and those seven-words- lyrics in the sentence goes with the syllable form: 2,2,2,1. Besides, every two sentences become a pair, the first sentence has to rhyme in oblique tones, and the second one has to be flat tones. If the songs rhyme sentence after sentence, then belong to orthodox-form. However, those "variations" that rthyme only at the third sentence, at the first and third sentences together, or even formed without rhyming still existed, because these kind of songs were formed by folk arists, who were not that familiar with the strict-rhyme-literature application According to the literary quality of the language from the lyrics of tidy sentences of the Taiwaness Opera, we could know that these songs only possess three in eight elements , "the words must have in the Qupai", "the sentences must have in the Qupai" and "the rhyming rule of the Qupai", of the "Eight Elements of Qupai". It shows that the constraint of the Taiwanese Opera is not so serious. Besides, because of the uncertainty amount of sentences, and the difference for words amount between sentence and sentence, the rules of the number of sentences and the rules for the ayllable form become more unstable and free, if we compare it with the ballad-stylistic. However, generally speaking, even with the Taiwanese Opera Qupai, which is tidier than these Qupai, the constraint still cannot be classified as serious sort. Therefore, according to above, we could know that the lyrics of the Taiwanese Opera should be natural, popular and simple to correspond with its framing freedom. At the same time, we wonder if the music tunes that create from the language melody, are as smooth and popular as the lyrics, or they would evolve into more twisted and graceful style. In this article, I have tried to explore the question:"can the music and the lyrics depend on each other in harmony like a dodder depends on the pine tree?" In other words, can the emotion in the lyrics and the sensation from the music really come together?

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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