


On Innovation of Contemporary Drama Fragments of Kunju: Mail Delivery, Long Pavilion, and Guessing the Meaning from the Story of the Western Wing




洪逸柔(Hung, Yi-Jo)


崑劇 ; 折子戲 ; 西廂記 ; 乾嘉傳統 ; 捏戲 ; Kunju ; Drama fragment ; Story of the Western Wing ; Qianjia tradition ; Innovation




21期(2019 / 12 / 01)


43 - 74






The Story of the Western Wing of Kunju drama fragments had a long history. While most of them were following fixed patterns of performances passed down from the Qianjia period, some plots or traditions were lost, resulting in a break of the inheritance. Thanks to the Innovation of succeeding actors, these plots returned to the stage again. This essay aims to explore the methods and principles of the contemporary Innovation in drama fragments with three examples from the Story of the Western Wing and observes how these once lost drama fragments were injected with refreshing artistic vitality with various levels of creation, directions and bases. Firstly, Mail Delivery, not played for a long time, was taught by senior actors. Both scripts and musical scores conformed to the tradition, and actors were well-trained for playing key plots with performing tips. Therefore, it was the Innovation based on drama fragments in the Qianjia period that enabled the recreation. Secondly, featuring an all-female-roles-performance since the Qianjia period, Long Pavilion was inconsistent with the contemporary aesthetic value and faded. Actors thus adapted it into a lyrical version with male and female roles, abandoning the tradition of "female pavilion." With the essence of Qianjia scripts and performance, it was refined to meet the aesthetic value and started a new chapter. Lastly, Guessing the Meaning was derived from the northern Story of the Western Wing without forming as Qianjia script or Qianjia tradition. Modern Hunan Kunqu Theatre, however, used aesthetic method complied with the tradition regarding the script and performances to create new performing depth. It displays greater degree of creation than other two drama fragments. Through the observation and comparison of the Innovations, this easy expects to provide a direction as reference regarding restoration and Innovation for the contemporary Kunju drama fragments.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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