"The Palace of Eternal Youth", written by Hong Sheng, is a masterpiece in terms of literature and music, and has been highly priased delicate and brilliant in structure and script, and euphemistic but meticulous in sound rule. The musical theory and techniques are all emcompassed when the distribution of the pai-chang and characters, the application of qupai and gong diao, the pai-chang structure, the rhetoric of script, and the sound rule are mentioned in "The Palace of Eternal Youth". Due to the theoretical basis of related literature, researcher Shih, Te-Yu's previous study in particular, this study focused on "The Secret Vow of the Palace of Eternal Youth" as the research field, investigating its qupai, the style of chi-chu. The qupai in the main act "Erlang Shen" applied "Shang Diao" as tonality, the act which includes two chi-chu, "Shan Tao Hong" in "Yue Diao" and "Ying Cu-Jin Luo" in "Shang Diao." The analysis and discussion regarding the characteristics that the excerpts were connected to form the tune, and the various music structure are at the core of this study. The investigation which was about the application of qupai, the chi-chu style was connected to the entire qupai and plot. This study began with the definition, formation style, musical form, characteristics, and affects of "chi-chu". Second, the pai-chang of "The Palace of Eternal Youth," the application of characters' personality, and how plots and chi-chu were arranged were stated in this secetion. Furthermore, the reason why "The Secret Vow of the Palace of Eternal Youth" is a critical plot in the script. Third, the music structure including gong diao, meter, tonic, and tune of two chi-chu was analyzed. The sentence pattern structure of the excerpts from original qupai was compared with the chi-chu structure. In addition, this section discussed how the chi-chu was composed. Finally, by intergrating the music style and the interpretation of plot, the model that contains chi-chu presents the emotion of characters and sets off the plot and therefore the music proceed in parallel to the plot. Demonstrating the sheet music and the practice of performance, this study discussed the logic and artistry of applying qupai, chi-chu in composition.