


Outstanding Skills: A Preliminary Study on the Method of Physical Action of Handstand as an Acrobatics




程育君(Cheng, Yu-Chun)


倒立 ; 特技 ; 葛羅托斯基 ; 身體行動方法 ; 覺性 ; Handstand ; Acrobatics ; Jerzy Grotowski ; Method of Physical Action ; Awareness




25期(2021 / 12 / 01)


83 - 118




倒立是特技表演者不斷超越及挑戰身體平衡的極限,以證明自己功夫的一種技藝,並且也是判斷特技表演技巧高難的準則之一。倒立除了是特技表演重要的基本功,同時也是中華傳統表演藝術:京劇、武術、舞蹈基本訓練的其中一項。這些藝術雖然也會練習耗頂(倒立耗時間),但因著重的目的不同,在各自的訓練體系與方法下,鍛鍊出不同的身體質地和功夫。葛羅托斯基(Jerzy Grotowski)和尤金諾.芭芭(Eugenio Barba)訓練演員時將「下腰」、「倒立」做為表演的訓練的基礎。身體行動方法(Method of Physical Actions)是史坦尼斯拉夫斯基(Constantin Stanislavski)晚年才摸索出的演員訓練方法。史氏的表演訓練體系影響西方表演甚鉅,也啟發了葛羅托斯基(Jerzy Grotowski)。「表演者(performer)藉由一套學來的或自行建構的表演程式之適當執行而進入最佳表演狀態的方法。」可以立刻吸觀眾注意,這樣的表演者我們會稱他或她們有「Presence」、「存在感」或「天生魅力」。本論文藉由MPA的理論,嘗試討論「倒立」正是特技表演者的最佳的「身體行動方法」。


Handstand is a skill for acrobatic performers to constantly transcend themselves and challenge the limits of physical balance to prove their skills. Besides, it is also one of the criteria for judging the level of difficulty of acrobatic performance skills. In addition to being an important fundamental skill for acrobatics, handstands are also one of the basic trainings in Chinese traditional performing arts of Peking opera, martial arts, and dance. Although these performing arts also practice "do a handstand for a long time" (long-time handstands), they attach importance for different purposes. Under their respective training systems and methods, they can also train talents of different body textures and skills. Jerzy Grotowski and Eugenio Barba also used backbends and handstands as the basic performance training when training performers. Method of Physical Actions is a performer training method that Constantin Stanislavski developed in his later years. He believed that MPA is "the key to a performer's emotional response,'' the foundation of a performer's creative power, ''the brilliant way to solve the spontaneity on the stage," and the "essence of the whole [system]." Constantin Stanislavski's performance training system has greatly affected the western performance and inspired Jerzy Grotowski. Eugenio Barba suggested that "This is a certain skill and a certain power, of which a performer has acquired through years of experience and hard work. As a matter of fact, what we call a skill is a specific method of presenting the body."According to the theory of MPA, this study intends to prove that handstands are the best "Method of Physical Action" for acrobatic performers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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