


A Corpus-based Study of the Acquisition of the "Ba" Construction of Some English Learners of Chinese




黃麗儀(Li-Yi Huang)


第二語言習得 ; 中介語 ; 對比分析 ; 錯誤分析 ; 把字句 ; 語用 ; 言談 ; 語意成分 ; 華語教學 ; second language acquisition ; interlanguage ; contrastive analysis ; error anlysis ; ba construction ; pragmatics ; discourse grammar ; semantics fea-tures、teaching Chinese as a second language




1期(2008 / 04 / 01)


75 - 108




「把」字句長久以來為華語語言學界與對外華語教學界最受青睞之研究主題(王1957,Li & Yip 1979,Huang 1982,王1984,Huang 1990, 1992 & 2002,黃1994,Hsu 1996,李1996,Li 1997,趙、崔編著1998,呂1999,張1999,邵2000等)。其中大都以「把」字句中之動補結構類型、「把」∕主語∕賓語之語義內涵、或「把」字句之歷史發展過程、習得過程、錯誤研究為主,而未對以英語為母語之華語學習者中介語中之「把」字句作一較全面之介紹與研究。「把」字句無論對許多對外華語教師還是華語學習者來說,至今依然是頗難掌握得宜的一個語法點。 有鑑於此,本文即依據臺灣師範大學華語教學研究所鄧守信教授所建立之以英語為母語之華語中介語語料庫,針對其中初級華語學習者中介語,全面檢索出其中與「把」字句有關之語料(包括正確∕錯誤使用「把」以及當用而未用「把」之語料),並進一步針對以英語為母語之初級華語學生一般正確及錯誤使用「把」字句之全面情形及其個別習得情形、「把」字句各基本句型中之謂語結構、動詞類型、補語類型、主語∕賓語語意成分語意角色彼此間交錯互動之關鍵要素,一一加以深入探討、分析、研究;最後並根據研究結果對把字句做出整體之詮釋,以期對對外華語教學界與華語語言學界有所助益。


”Ba” construction has been one of the most discussed topics in Chinese linguistics and teaching Chinese as a second language (王1957, Li & Yip 1979, Huang 1982, 王1984, Huang 1990, 1992 & 2002, 黃 1994, Hsu 1996, 李1996, Li 1997, 趙、崔編著1998, 呂1999, 張1999, 邵 2000, etc.). In the previous studies, the types of verb-complement structures, the semantic features of the subject and the object of ”ba”, the historical development of the construction, the process of acquiring the construction, or error analysis of the construction has been investigated. Nevertheless, none of them have done researches on the construction from a broader view, such as the discourse function of the ”ba” construction, the interaction of discourse, semantics, pragmatics, and syntax. Furthermore, the language teachers found that their findings were not applicable to practical teaching. This study is based on the interlanguage corpus of English learners of Chinese, established by Prof. Teng Shou-hsin of National Taiwan Normal University in 1997. Only the data of elementary students of Chinese will be used in this study. I will first sort out all the data related to the ”ba” construction, which includes sentences containing ”ba” and sentences where ”ba” should be used. Then I will analyze the acquisition of the ”ba” construction of each of the 9 learners at the elementary level from both the synchronic point of view and the diachronic point of viewI will then compare the acquired types of the ”ba” construction with the erroneous types among the students, followed by an explanation on the nature of the ”ba” interlanguage system of these learners. Next I will reinvestigate the ”ba” construction from a broader view in order to reveal the real nature of the ”ba” construction in a systematic and explanatory way. Finally, I will make suggestions on the teaching of the ”ba” construction to the teachers.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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