


Studying the Current Situation of Chinese Language Teachers in Toronto




關之英(Che-Ying Kwan)


多倫多 ; 華語文教師 ; 教學面對的困難 ; 教材 ; 僑民的孩子 ; Toronto ; Chinese Language teachers ; difficulties faced in teaching ; teaching materials ; children of overseas Chinese




9期(2012 / 04 / 01)


47 - 70




世界各地都有中國的僑民,有些可能已在當地住了好幾代。在外國長大的孩子可能已完全融入當地社會,語言和生活習慣與當地居民沒有分別。然而,華裔父母總希望孩子能學一點中文,一方面能認識自己的文化,一方面可以和祖父母溝通,所以家長通常會送孩子到學校學中文。根據加拿大多元文化國策,大多倫多教育局國際語言部門為各族裔開設五十多種族裔課程,統稱國際語言課,在星期六或晚上上課,每次2.5小時,只需繳交20元加幣註冊費。其中國語(普通話)以及粵語(兩種教學語言都有正體字和簡體字教材)的班級數量最多。粗略統計,2010年粵語班有四千多名學生,大部分是僑民的孩子。大多倫多教育局設有課程指引及供應教材。本論文的內容包括;1. 以太多倫多教育局國際語言部門的粵語班教師為研究對象,探討海外華語文教師面對的問題;2. 從觀課紀錄看教學的現況。3. 從訪談了解教師的看法。通過以上三方面的分析,目的是讓有關機構了解海外中文(粵語)班教師面對的困難,從而提出協助和支援的方案。


Overseas ethnic Chinese, among them many have been living outside China for several generations, live in different parts of the world. Their children, born in their adopted countries have totally assimilated into local societies, with no difference from the locals on the spoken languages and social customs. However, the parents always wish for their children to learn Chinese, from which the children can not only appreciate their Chinese cultural root and can also communicate with their grand-parents. Therefore, the parents often insist to send their children to study Chinese at school.According to Canadian multi-cultural policy, International Languages Department of the Greater Toronto Education District offers more than fifty ethnic language programs to cater the needs of respective ethnic groups. Collectively known as International Languages Course, the c1ass meets for 2.5 hours either on Saturdays or in the evenings at a total cost of Can$ 20 dollars as registration fee. The Mandarin (Putonghua) and Cantonese courses, of which the teaching materials both offer standard or simplified Chinese characters, account for the greatest numbers of c1asses. A pre1iminary figure showed that in the year 2010, more than 4,000 students, mostly children of overseas Chinese attended Cantonese c1asses.The Greater Toronto Education District provides both course curriculum guide and teaching materials. The purposes of this artic1e inc1ude: 1. to study issues confronted by teachers of overseas Chinese language teaching, using teachers of Cantonese c1asses of International Languages Department of the Greater Toronto Education District as the target study group; 2. to study the current situation of classroom teaching by examining the observation records of classroom teaching; and 3. to study the opinions of teachers from interviews. The above analyses aim to allow the relevant educational institutions achieve a better understanding of the difficu1ties that the overseas Chinese (Cantonese) teachers face with, and provide assistances and support to them.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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