


A Teaching Research on the Characters of Chinese Language Textbooks for the Elementary Schools in Germany


劉慧敏(Hui-Min Liu);蘇育全(Yu-Chuan Su)


華語文 ; 德國華語文 ; 德國華語文教材 ; 漢字教學 ; Chinese language ; Chinese language in Germany ; Chinese language textbooks in Germany ; Chinese characters teaching




14期(2014 / 10 / 01)


83 - 114




德國的華語文教育呈現蓬勃發展的景象,早期德國華語文教育主要在大學實施,但是隨著華語文的熱潮,有些小學也開始開設華語文課程,而「漢字」是外國人學習華語文的一大難題,故本論文以目前在德國所使用的華語文小學教材為研究樣本,探討其在漢字教學上的特色。本論文之取材採自「德語區漢語教學學會」(Fachverband Chinesisch e. V.)會長顧安達(Andreas Guder)截至2012年5月所整理之「最新德語區華語文教材」,筆者討論其中四種華語文小學教材,包括:《Chinesisches Paradies》(漢語樂園)、《Chinesisch spielend lernen》(輕鬆學漢語-德語少兒版)、《Erste Schritte in Chinesisch》(輕鬆學中文)及《Chinesisch lernen Schritt für Schritt》(學步中文)。德國目前所使用的華語文教材,每本教材皆規劃不同的「漢字學習」方式,針對德國華語文小學教材,本論文所使用的研究方法為「內容分析法」,以漢字「字形」作為分析的主軸,包括:筆畫、筆順、部首及結構。筆者從探討德國華語文小學教材之漢字教學特色,分析德國華語文之漢字教學方法及漢字內容,透過教材探討及分析結果,作為改善德國華語文漢字教材的參考,並增進漢字教學成效。


Chinese language education in Germany is developing rapidly now. In the past Chinese language education is usually taught in universities in Germany but some elementary schools also begin to offer Chinese language courses now. However, it is very difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese characters. In this paper, the authors analyze the textbooks adopted in elementary schools and discuss the teaching features of Chinese characters. The latest Chinese languages textbooks are adopted as the research materials in this paper. These textbooks are collected and arranged by the president Andreas Guder of the society of Chinese language teaching in Germany as the analysis and discussion materials. In this paper, the authors discuss four textbooks: "Chinesisches Paradies 1A", "Chinesisch Spielend lernen 1", "Erste Schritte in Chinesisch 1" and "Chinesisch Lernen Schritt für Schritt 1". Various kinds of Chinese language textbooks possess different learning methods of Chinese characters. The author analyzes the shape of Chinese characters in the Chinese language textbooks in Germany such as strokes, rules, radicals, the structure and components according to the learning difficulties for German. The purpose of this paper is as a future reference for the design of Chinese language textbooks in Germany to enhance the effectiveness of Chinese characters teaching through exploring textbooks.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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