


Diagnostics of Chinese Phonetic Errors and Teaching Model for Intermediate Learners


歐德芬(Te-Fen Ou)


語音診斷 ; 語音教學 ; 語音意識 ; 聲調 ; 語音石化 ; phonetic diagnosis ; teaching phonetics ; phonological awareness ; tone ; fossilization phenomena




16期(2015 / 10 / 01)


1 - 29




語音教學為語言教學之本。各種語言皆有其語音特徵,不同語音特徵可能會造成標的語之學習困難。華語為有聲調語言(tone language),和印歐語系的重音語言(stress or intonation language)於語音之差異相當大。對初級華語程度外籍生而言,華語語音尤其是聲調,為華語學習的一大難點。中級學習者之華語語音仍有進步空間,而且此時學習者的語音意識亦增強,較能明確辨析聲調、聲母及韻母的差異,但是因課堂較注重漢字、語法、詞彙、篇章等學習課題,對於語音學習之專注度較低,導致華語語音進步幅度較慢,甚至可能出現語音石化的現象。因此本文從語音診斷的角度出發,以語音教學模式為終點,透過英語為母語的學習者之個案對比探究,經由書面念讀與深度訪談的方式診斷其華語語音,探究中級華語學習者的語音偏誤情形。進行語音診斷之後,得出其系統性偏誤於聲調部分以三聲低平調與二、四聲混淆之偏誤為主;韻母部分以圓唇音ㄩ、聲隨韻母之偏誤較多;聲母部分以舌面前音及舌尖後音的偏誤較多。本文最後針對語音診斷提出中級華語語音教學模式,供華語教師參考。


Phonetics is one of the most fundamental issues of language teaching. Since every language has its distinctive phonetic features, new language learners often encounter difficulties familiarizing themselves with phonetic rules. Some papers even indicate that fossilization phenomena might exist in the pronunciation of intermediate learners. Since phonological awareness is related to linguistic ability, the main goal of this paper is to investigate the phonetic errors of intermediate native English learners of Mandarin. After conducting a diagnosis of common phonetic errors, a teaching model will be presented. Utilizing case studies as the proposed framework, systemic phonetic errors of learners are identified. The result shows that systemic errors of learners occur in tones(聲調). They are unable to make clear distinctions between the third and the second/fourth tones. Systemic errors occur in finals(韻母)y, an, ən, ɑ ŋ, əŋ, and in initials(聲母) tɕi, tɕʰi, ɕi and tʂʅ, tʂʰʅ, ʂʅ. Through the analysis of the recordings of oral interviews and written material reading, this study suggests that phonetic errors of intermediate learners differ from those of basic learners. And a teaching model is presented accordingly in the end.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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