This study investigates various models of refusal speech acts among two target groups: French learners of Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. The refusal responses were analyzed in terms of their options, frequencies, sequences and contents of their semantic formulas. Difference between these two groups, regarding their refusal strategies as determined by social status and social distance, is also examined. The difficulties of refusal speech acts encountered by French learners of Mandarin Chinese were then generalized and indicated that Mandarin instructors of native French speakers should focus on the different reasons for the pragmatic failure of French learners and that they should assist these learners in mastering refusal speech acts that rely on abundant cultural information. The present study classified refusal policies according mainly to the research of Beebe et al. (1990). Specifically, the current study collected discourse completion questionnaires from Taiwanese native Mandarin speakers and French learners of Mandarin Chinese and compared their responses to determine how refusal policies differ between the two groups. This study emphasized the dissimilarities of refusal strategies between native Mandarin speakers and second-language Mandarin learners. Therefore, the participants in this study were divided into two groups. Regarding politeness strategies, Taiwanese native Mandarin speakers and French learners of Mandarin Chinese, in expressing refusal speech acts, tend to use an indirect strategy to reduce the risk of causing the interlocutor to lose face. Overall, the indirect refusal speech acts of the aforementioned participant groups are most commonly followed by the use of the following strategies: "excuse explanation, excuse," a "statement of regret," and an "attempt to dissuade the interlocutor." Less commonly used strategies include a "statement of alternative" and "statement of principle." Regarding the quantity of politeness strategies, French learners of Mandarin Chinese employ more politeness strategies than Taiwanese native Mandarin speakers do, and they prefer to use a wider variety of strategies to refuse requests.
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