


The Development of Chinese Education after the Relaxation of the Chinese Policy in Indonesia - A Case study of West Java Province


信世昌(Shih-Chang Hsin);麥皓婷(Hao-Ting Mai)


華文教育 ; 印度尼西亞 ; 三語學校 ; 西爪哇 ; 萬隆 ; Chinese Education ; Indonesia ; Trilingual Schools ; West Java ; Bandung




21期(2021 / 04 / 01)


1 - 40






The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of Chinese language education in Indonesia since the loosening of the Chinese policy in 2000. The West Java Province is chosen for the main research field. The promotion and development process of Chinese education in all educational levels and schools is closely examined. The researchers focus on exploring the key factors and predicaments of the development of Chinese education in Indonesia. The researchers undertake ex situ study, conducting persistent local school observations, extensive interviews with stakeholders, and document analysis based on nearly 40 Chinese educational institutions in seven cities in West Java. During the research period, more than 60 local Chinese community members and Chinese teachers were interviewed. Interview results and data analysis reveal that the development of reopening Chinese education in Indonesia is mainly driven by trilingual schools (includes Indonesian, English and Chinese as learning languages) founded by Chinese organizations and Chinese businessmen. Trilingual Schools are concentrated in the Bandung area of West Java. Through the planning of at least 10 Chinese lessons per week, to ensure that students have enough hours to learn Chinese. The schools with sufficient resources and support from the capital can hire professional Chinese teachers from Taiwan and mainland China, so the overall teaching results are more significant. The promotion of Chinese education in other counties is difficult and arduous in the absence of various favorable conditions. The development of Chinese education in West Java as a whole faces the following five dilemmas: (1) lack of a clear position of Chinese language teaching; (2) the status of Chinese language discipline affects the learning attitude; (3) the problem of aging and insufficient number of teachers; (4) lack of tailor-made teacher training courses; (5) lack of Chinese textbooks that are both systematic and localized for Indonesian. As the bilateral trade and educational exchanges between Indonesia and the Chinese-speaking regions become more frequent. It is expected that Chinese will become one of the main languages for foreign language learning in Indonesia, and the population of Chinese learning will show rapid growth in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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