


Ritual Culture in Fujian Folk Puppet Drama




葉明生(Ming-Sheng Ye)


傀儡戲 ; 宗教 ; 祭儀 ; 文化特質 ; puppet drama ; religion ; ritual ; cultural feature




6期(2010 / 07 / 01)


51 - 80




福建省有許多古老的文化藝術,雖歷經千百年歷史,至今在民間尚有大量遺存,唐宋以來曾經在這塊土地上盛行的傀儡戲,即是其中的一種。福建傀儡戲品種繁多,但與宗教祭祀關係最爲密切的,還是提線傀儡戲。提線傀儡戲源於漢代「賓婚嘉會皆作魁儡」的「喪家樂」。它承襲其母體文化-祭祀儀式文化,與民眾的社會生活(其中包括宗教與娛樂文化生活)產生密切的聯繫。並且從中發展出許多內容豐富、形式多樣、色彩繽紛的祭祀儀式文化來。而正是由於傀儡戲所具有的祭祀儀式文化特質,使這種融合宗教與藝術文化於一體的民間藝術,在各種複雜的歷史社會條件下歷劫不磨,至今在民間社會仍具頑強的生命力。 福建傀儡戲祭儀的形態,我們可能以通過歷代文獻資料,從中探尋福建傀儡戲祭儀文化的軌跡;而福建傀儡戲的儀式文化特徵主要表現於兩方面,一是民間道壇活動相關的「內壇」之傀儡法事,一是傀儡棚上之「外壇」儀式戲劇演出。在儀式戲劇形態方面,福建傀儡戲保存了大量的宗教性傳統劇目,如夫人戲、觀音戲、田公戲、目連戲等,這些劇目既保存古代祭儀文化的特點,同時也保存了傀儡藝術中的精華。通過對傀儡儀式文化的探討,對於縷清傀儡戲的發展歷史及其文化特徵都具有重要的文化價值。


There are many ancient cultural aspects and arts in Fujian province which have been preserved in the communities over hundreds of years. Puppet drama, which has been popular in this land since the Tang and Song dynasties, is one of them. There are many kinds of puppet drama in Fujian, but the one which is closest to the religious ritual is that of marionettes. Marionettes in China first appeared during the Han Dynasty as a part of the funeral rituals. It inherited its matrix, the ritual culture, and is closely connected to people's social life (including religion and entertainment). It has thus developed many different and rich ritual cultural elements, fusing religion and art in one folk art, enabling it to last under different complex social and historical conditions until the present day. The development of the marionette ritual in Fujian can be traced from documents in different time periods. The ritual culture of the marionette in Fujian is presented in two ways: the first one is the ritual performance in the shrines, and the second one is the theatrical marionette performance on stage. In regard to theatrical performance, the marionette performance in Fujian preserves many traditional religious programs, such as: Furenxi, Guanyinxi, Tiangongxi, and Mulianxi. These programs preserve not only the features of the ancient ritual but also the essence of the puppet drama. It is very important to understand the historical development and cultural features of puppet drama through the exploration of the ritual culture which engendered it.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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