


Study of Rare Versions of the Yu Zhi Huan Chuanqi of the Qing Dynasty──With a Study of the Discovery of Wu Mei's Manuscript of Preface to the Yu Zhi Huan Chuanqi




孫書磊(Shu-Lei Sun)


《玉指環》傳奇 ; 張夢祺 ; 吳梅 ; 南方戲曲 ; 戲曲文獻 ; Yu Zhi Huan Chuanqi ; Zhang Meng-qi ; Wu Mei ; Southern dramas ; Dramatic literature




8期(2011 / 07 / 01)


1 - 20






Unlike northern drama in the Yuan dynasty, which was centered on Za ju, the dramas in the Ming and Qing dynasties performed in the southern areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, and Fujian Provinces were mostly in the form of chuanqi. Presently, relatively more southern dramas from the Ming and Qing dynasties have been saved, and many new dramatic scripts are continuously being discovered. Research on carefully emended editions of southern dramas has become an important part of study of southern Chinese culture. In the case of Yu Zhi Huan, we researched the appearance of the edition, its state of conservation, the derivation of its subject matter, its relation to novels that similarly belong to the category of popular literature; we also studied the cultural background of its creation and transmission. Today, there are two rare versions of chuanqi named Yu Zhi Huan from the Qing dynasty, respectively housed in Nanjing Library and Shanghai Library. Both have been regarded as the author's draft. However, by comparison of these two versions, it is clear that neither is the author's, and the version in Nanjing Library is the earlier copy which better reflects the original. Zhang Meng-qi, before he became an official in 1838, wrote this drama portraying his many personal hardships. Its narrative characteristics indicate that this drama was well beyond the old pattern of love stories about literati and prostitutes. The discovery of Wu Mei's manuscript Preface to the Yu Zhi Huan Chuanqi gives an important opportunity to reread this drama, understand dramatic culture shown in its transmission and improve the study of the academic history of dramas.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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