


The Culture of Four Plays about Dreams and the Virtual Creation of Scholars' Figure by Tang Xianzu




鄒元江(Yuan-Jiang Zou)


湯顯祖 ; 文人形象 ; 虛擬塑造 ; Tang Xianzu ; the image of scholars ; virtual creation




9期(2012 / 01 / 01)


1 - 39






Academicians always try to find reasons for the creation of four plays about dreams by Tang Xianzu. Actually, from the perspective of archaeology and genealogy, the legend of four dreams as a talented scholar's imaginative writing does not have a logic association with Tang Xianzu's real life as we usually understand, but rather is more associated with his taste, interest and game-play mood in writing, particularly the aesthetic pleasure of ”mutual appreciation” with other refined scholars in their show of talents. As a prominent cultural celebrity in Ming dynasty, Tang Xianzu isn't devoted to what we admire now, and considered legend as nothing more than small techniques. The true inner conflicts and anguish in his life lies in the difficult choice between whether to devote himself to writing great works which could influence generations to come or to applying his learning and moral values to political world. The root of the self-contradiction lies in his intense consciousness of commitment to live up to the expectations of his family, teachers and friends and the society, which evokes his consistent pursuit of his cause. However, when his political ambition fails, he finds himself unable to achieve his literary pursuit as well, which is partly caused by his loss of energy due to repeated setbacks in imperial examinations, and partly by his lack of practice in serious literary writings, when he follows the vogue of his period and spends much time composing gameful poetry in social activities. The detached yet overlapping relationship between the political ”way” and literary ”techniques” thus results in the virtual image of scholars during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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