


Takamatsu Toyozirou and the Inauguration of Modern Taiwanese Theater




石婉舜(Wan-Shun Shih)


高松豐次郎 ; 同仁社 ; 臺灣正劇 ; 現代劇場 ; 通俗教育 ; Takamatsu Toyozirou ; Doujinsha ; Taiwan Seigeki ; theatres popular education




10期(2012 / 07 / 01)


35 - 67






Takamatsu Toyozirou was born in a time when Japan was constructing itself into a modern state. Before moving to Taiwan, Takamatsu had been engaged in promoting civil rights by means of popular entertainment and movies. In the beginning of the twentieth century, Takamatsu came to tour and to project movies in Taiwan at the request of Ito Hirobumi, then the Prime Minister of Japan, to assist in the colonial development.During his stay in Taiwan from 1908 to 1917, Takamatsu became an entrepreneur of theatre construction and showbiz management. A pioneer among his contemporaries in the circles of theatre and cinema in Taiwan, Takamatsu was in charge of the construction of the first theaters taking both Taiwanese and Japanese residents as their target audience, which would lead to the prevalence of theaters around the island. Takamatsu also founded the first theater company staging modern Taiwanese-spoken drama, which he named Taiwan Seigeki (Taiwan Drama). He was even the first filmmaker taking Taiwan as the subject matter of his works.The author finds, after re-establishing the historical facts of Takamatsu's career in Taiwan and analyzing the influences of his colonial theater business, that during the time when the Japanese colonial rule had not yet stabilized and the imperial forces were attacking the aboriginals in the mountains, Takamatsu built theaters to set up permanent spaces for social education, serving the colonial rule, and used theater performances and movies as tools of propaganda and education. Forming a reciprocal relationship with the colonial administration, Takamatsu's enterprises were distinct from those of his profit-oriented Japanese competitors.The hardware and the software of modern Taiwanese theater have their first historical appearance in the form of colonial theater buildings, and Taiwan Seigeki, respectively. They were not born as a result of the active efforts of the Taiwanese, but came into being at the hands of Takamatsu. The inauguration of the history of modern Taiwanese theater reflects the historical particularity of Taiwan as a former colony.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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