


Who is the Main Character? Who is the Viewer?—A Discussion of the Death of Chongzhen in Qing Dynasty Drama




華瑋(Wei Hua)


清戲曲 ; 崇禎之死 ; 鐵冠圖 ; 桃花扇 ; 歷史劇 ; Qing drama ; the death of Chongzhen ; Tieguan tu ; Taohua shan ; historical drama




11期(2013 / 01 / 01)


23 - 60






This essay deals with six plays from the Qing dynasty, written between 1644 and 1832, concerning the death of Ming Emperor Chongzhen: ”Tieguan tu”, ”Taohua shan”, ”Hukou yusheng”, ”Yongzhong ren”, ”Zhikan ji”, and ”Dinü hua”. It explores the political implications of dramatic representation of history, as well as the limitations and influence of the times on historical representation. By comparing a rare copy of ”Tieguan tu” that was performed in the Qing court with popular performances, it can be seen how historical memory was meticulously manipulated and utilized for political purposes. As historical changes also influenced dramatic representations of history, there were differences in the authors' motives of directing the emotions of their implied audiences. From the early to the late Qing, plays written by literati treated the highly dramatic event of Chongzhen's death with different approaches, directly or indirectly, fully or briefly. This reveals a transformation from grieving for the lost Ming dynasty to at least a prima facie intent to praise the Qing. The mourning for the personal fate of Chongzhen, as well as the fall of the Ming dynasty lost its predominance by the mid-Qing. Instead, a general political teaching of loyalty and righteousness for the ministers and subjects was emphasized. By the late Qing, longing for the former dynasty once again arose, with it, melancholy toward the impermanence of the human condition. This essay concludes by noting the existence of inter-textuality and dialogism among historical plays on the same topic. In addition, the relationships between drama and politics, between text and ideology are particularly evident in historical drama. However, at the same time, performances in Qing theatrical venues perhaps were not influenced by the imperial court, the bureaucrats, and the literati that tried to represent historical event from a new light. The performance text of ”Meishan” of the ”Tieguan tu”, i.e. the scene of Chongzhen's death, found in ”Shenyin jiangu lu” illustrates the stability and strength of art and culture to transcend the moods of the times as well as official ideology.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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