


A Dialogue between Contemporary Kunqu Opera and Ming-Qing Chuanqi: Considering the Case of the Playwright Zhang Hong




王安祈(An-Chi Wang)


張弘 ; 崑劇 ; 傳奇 ; 當代崑劇 ; 石小梅 ; Zhang Hong ; Kunqu Opera ; Chuanqi ; contemporary Kunqu Opera ; Shi Xiaomei




15期(2015 / 01 / 01)


81 - 116






As a couple, the contemporary Kunqu Opera playwright Zhang Hong and the famous Xiaosheng (the young man's role) Shi Xiaomei have created many outstanding roles of contemporary Kunqu Opera, of which Xu Jizu of "Bailuoshan" (The white coat) is the most representative. This study conducted a thorough investigation of Zhang Hong's "Seek for the Unseen" (a collection of eight Kunqu Opera plays), to research Kunqu Opera writing, especially focusing on the dialogue between contemporary Kunqu Opera and Ming-Qing Chuanqi. This project has two reasons to put emphasis on Zhang Hong: one, his eight plays cover every type of adaptation from Chuanqi to Kunqu Opera; they could compare with all the other types of contemporary Kunqu Opera. Second, and more deeply, Zhang Hong has a clear writing consciousness. He knows exactly that he is not just a tailor of the extensive Chuanqi stories, but also uses Chuanqi to frame his Kunqu Opera writing. Chuanqi is not only "a play within a play" in his Kunqu Opera. He creates new plays and roles through intertextuality and interlocution, and digs out deeper emotions and refracted thoughts. The three-way conversation of traditional Chuanqi, traditional playwrights, and contemporary Zhang Hong is worth our respect and attention. The overlapping or division of Kunqu Opera and Ming-Qing Chuanqi has been analyzed in the academic field; however, treatment of the field of writing is still in chaos. Kunqu critics often turn to Chuanqi for aesthetic standards. Playwrights frequently ignore the close partnership of Kunqu Opera and Chuanqi; they just use the Banqiang style to write Kunqu Opera. But such a narrative structure along with qupai singing cannot highlight the basis of Kunqu Opera and its deep intellectual philosophy. This project is based on Zhang Hong, and then emphasizes his Kunqu Opera writing method from the dialogue between Kunqu Opera and Chuanqi. Furthermore, this study aims at his eight plays as well as at contemporary Kunqu Opera. The chaos of contemporary Kunqu Opera writing is the background, reference, term of comparison, and in addition, the motivation of this study. Three issues are related to this project: first, Zhang Hong's creative consciousness regarding Kunqu Opera, and his dialogue with Chuanqi; second, assessing the effectiveness of Zhang Hong's writing ideas; third, the significance of Zhang Hong in contemporary Kunqu Opera.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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