To reconstruct what theatre in the past was like, theatre historians not only rely on written records, but turn to pictorial images that may represent or refer to elements in theatre. Such mute pictures greatly seduce theatre historians to speak for them, to analyze what they may tell us about past theatre events. This quest, promising and yet full of traps of interpretation, forms the beginning of the study of theatre iconography. Drawing first on semiotics and the theory of iconography by Erwin Panofsky, this discipline has evolved and was already well-established in the west by the 1990s, but it remains an unexplored territory in Taiwan. This article aims to provide ways to systematically examine the traps of interpreting theatre pictorial images for constructing past theatrical practices. In this part, I first map the development of theatre iconography in the west, re-examine the key concepts of Panofsky, and put his analytical methods in a new perspective to summarize the traps. A wide category of canonical theatrical images provides examples. In addition, to bring the study of theatre pictorial images out of the confinement of serving as evidence only, this article attempts to provide a multidisciplinary theoretical framework of theatre iconography corresponding to three periods of image production based on the development of technology. Accordingly, it starts with theatre historiography and evolves into cultural studies, examining respectively how pictorial images may reveal important conventions about theatre, and how they disclose "social formation" or the cultural codes that govern the society. Further growing out of cultural studies is the third framework, "performance" studies. On the one hand, it sees pictorial images of actors in the age of mechanical production as a conscious performance and analyzes how these performances may play with race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality to achieve the goals of image-shaping and marketing. On the other, through so-called technical photos, it refers to the study of the theatrical productions of the directors or the acting of the actors. Finally, in the conclusion, I examine research in Taiwan that is related to theatre iconography and further consider the application of the analytical framework drawn up by this research to theatre studies in Taiwan.
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